Thursday, June 23, 2011

Is the Pope Catholic? Part 1

On Good Friday this year, the Pope agreed for the first time to take questions from 'ordinary' Catholics. According to The Telegraph of the UK website that reported on the TV performance that over 3,000 questions were submitted and seven answered. Where the answers Catholic?

Our Lady appeared at Fatima to remind us of the traditional Catholic Church dogma and how to save our souls from eternal damnation The modernist, like Benedict XVI, had new and different ideas to bring the Church instep with the modern world.

Benedict XVI responded to questions about the civil war in Ivory Coast calling for greater dialogue. If that isn't like a true progressive. Our Lady told little Jacinta that wars are the result of sin. If the pope was truly Catholic he would of said to quit sinning and offending God but that is not the modern way.

Homer Sweeney


The Telegraph article title "Pope Benedict admits there isn't a full answer to suffering in rare TV interview."

The whole Truth About Fatima - Vol II The Secret and the Church

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