Wednesday, November 13, 2013

'Man of Faith'

Recently on his show The Factor Bill O'Reilly interviewed the author of the book "Presidential Devotion" which I assume is an attempt to make the current President of the United States look like today's typical devout Christian.  I love you God as long as I can do what I want.  Don't bother me with lists of what I can and can't do.  I just let my conscience be my guide.  This answers the question how a 'devout Christian'  like the President  can continually support the breaking of the fifth commandment of God by allowing the killing of babies both unborn and born and then sinfully with the support of the Catholic bishops, and of millions of 'Christians' he is voted back into office.

When modernism took over the Catholic Church it enthusiastically approved of the French Revolution led by Freemasonry that resulted in the separation of Church and state  This action by the modernist confirmed the prophecy of Our Lady of Good Success made in the 16th Century when she said to Mother Mariana  "at the end of the 19th Century and especially in the 20th Century Satan would reign almost completely by means of the Masonic sect." For this reason many Catholic legislators get away with murder when they vote to approve of killing and other laws against the commandments of God  and the bishops some Marxists, others free masons and all with socialist leanings do nothing but approve by their silence. They obviously do not  believe the words of the Our Father given to us by Jesus Christ.  Separating Church and state results in the state being more powerful then God and that is the reason that governments at all levels pass one law after another that ridicules the commandments and literally spits in the face of Jesus Christ.  May God have mercy on us!

Homer Sweeney

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


The big news out of of the Pentagon has been the fact that every appointment above Colonel is based on politics not on leadership ability.  This has been proven by the many firings of generals in the last couple of years under atheist leadership in Washington. .  The same can be said of the Catholic Church.  Bishops are not appointed because of their holiness or master of the faith but on their politics that range on a continuum from ultra extreme left to socialist to Marxist.  Almost every bishop in the Untied States and in most of the world falls some place along that line.  The Catholic Church today does not save souls but is a socialist political party.

Homer Sweeney

Friday, November 1, 2013

Vatican Survey

The  internet carried  a short article today indicating that the Vatican was going to survey bishops and parishes around the world regarding how they address problems like gay marriage, divorce and birth control.  A  recent interview with the pope indicated that he didn't want the modernist church to talk about these sins.  The reality is they don't and the Vatican should receive thousands of blank pages in reply.

Homer Sweeney