Saturday, April 27, 2013

The Warnings Continue

Sister Lucy mentioned one day that the still hidden third secret is in the Apocalypse read it. Last Sunday Monsignor Perez of Our Lady Help of Christians gave a very long but  extremely interesting sermon regarding primarily Chapter 13 of Book of Apocalypse (Revelation)   The entire sermon  can be found at click sermon of April 21, 2013  The second part of the sermon deals with the Apocalypse. I have included only part below.

---or the number of his name, the number of his name.  here is wisdom.. He that hath understanding, let him count the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man; and the number of him is six hundred and sixty-six.

Now what about that?  If I can just, for example, propose something --- I don't know if it's true or not --- we can take a public figure such as the current president, and there is much to suggest that he is antichrist material.  First of all, look how he is adored by the masses for nothing.  Every single things that comes out of his mouth is a lie which is consistent, because who is the father of lies?  Satan is the father of lies.  He says he comes from Hawaii.  Nobody seems to believe that.  But let's go, on what he says.  Hawaii came out of the ocean, came out of the sea.  It's one of the few places that did that. Hawaii is a huge volcanic island that started as a volcano way down and then pushed up and spit out more and more magma until there were island there.  So that came out of the sea. (ver 1)

He holds sway over the masses with irrationality.  And another further interesting thing. . . oh, okay, his name.  These are coincidences.  The number of letters in his name adds up, there are 18 letters, which is 3 x 6..  But, then, again, I did my own name and it adds up to 3 x 6 too.

In any case, that's part of it because the Bible says that his name will add up to 666, and how that works exactly --- well, it certainly works here.  But two further things that I find really interesting about the current president are the more recently, how many of you heard this, many of you probably did and many of you probably didn't.  On his visit to Egypt and Israel lately, a swarm of locusts preceded him, started in Egypt and went in to Israel.  It hadn't happened in living memory.  All of sudden these locusts, a plague of locusts came from nowhere. (Chapter IX) You can find it.  I'm not making any of this up. This is all Google(able).  So you can look that up.  But you didn't hear it on the news around here.  Like, By the way,  a plague of locusts preceded the president on his trip.  They wouldn't figure that would be good publicity probably for some reason.

The last thing I want to leave you  with is really amazing, and this is Google(able) too.  I'll tell you what to look for.  Our Lord said in the gospels, "I saw Satan fall from heaven like lightening".  Remember that? (Luke X; 18)  "I saw Satan fall from heaven like lightening".  So we look up the words that he used.  He spoke Aramaic, but actually in these words they are the same in Hebrew.  Hebrew is related to Aramaic the way Latin is related to Spanish and Italian.  They are very close, many words are almost exact.  And in the case we are talking about the words, the words are pretty exact.  So whether he said it in Aramaic or Hebrew, it doesn't matter in this case.

So, you look up --- there is a dictionary of the Bible called Strong's Biblical Hebrew Dictionary.  It's a standard, and you can even look up the number of the word if you want to because every single word is numbered.  This has nothing to do with numbers.  I'm  just saying the references are clearly cited.  And you look up "lightening," and the "from heaven".  It translates, it is in Hebrew, "Baraq O-bamah".  And if you Google Obama/lightening, it will bring you to the article with the very numerical references in Strong's Biblical Dictionary of Hebrew.   It is interesting.  Can I say that it is more than that?  That would be a heck of a coincidence, by the way, for Our Lord to say, "I saw Satan fall like Baraq O-bamah" in his language and to have that be the very name of person running our country. ...

Homer Sweeney

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

France Has the Time Come?

I look at the Drudge report like the front page of a newspaper to see what is new.  Yesterday I saw the headline that Gay Marriage was approved in France.  Normally I would read the headline and look for other news but yesterday  I had a horrible feeling that this could possibly mean that the time is near which will see the destruction of Paris and many other cities.

It was a couple months ago just after Benedict XVI announced his retirement that lightening struck the top of St Peters.  The 1846 Message of La Salette said,  "With the first lightening blow of His sword, the mountains and all nature will tremble with dread, because the disorders and crimes of men are piercing the vault of the heavens.  Paris will be burned and Marseilles swallowed up, a number of large cities will be shattered and swallowed by earthquakes."

John of Vatiguerro in 13th century said, "Spoliation, pillaging, and devastation of that most famous city which is the capital and mistress of France will take place when the Church and the world are grievously troubled.

In the 18th century Fr. Nectou, S.J. who was regarded by those who knew him as a saint an a prophet said, "During this revolution which will very likely be general and not confined to France, Paris will be destroyed so completely that  twenty years afterwards fathers walking over its ruins with their children will be asked by them what kind of place that was; to whom they will answer:  "My child  this was a great city which God has destroyed on account of her crimes.

Homer Sweeney

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The Consecration of Russia

This is the third and final article of a three part series.

On July 13, 1917 the Blessed Mother told the three seers of Fatima among other things, "Continue to come here every month.  In October I will tell you who I am and what I want, and I will perform a miracle (Miracle of the Sun) for all those to see and believe.

Our Lady also told the children on that day, "When you see a night illuminated  by an unknown light (January 25, 1938) know that this is the great sign given you by God that He is about to punish the world for its crimes, by means of war, famine and persecutions of the Church and the Holy Father."

"To prevent this, I shall come to ask for the consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart (June 13, 1929) and the Communion of Reparation on the First Saturdays (December 10, 1925).  Sister Lucy explained that she understood the apparition in 1929 was a representation of the Holy Trinity and she heard Mary speak to her:  "The moment has come in which God asks the Holy Father, in union with all the Bishops of the world, to make the consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart, promising to save it by this means.  There are so many souls whom the Justice of God condemns for sins committed against me, that I have come to ask reparation:  sacrifice yourself for this intention and pray."

The 100th anniversary of Fatima approaches and the Consecration of Russia still has not been achieved according to the wishes of Our Lady of Fatima.  There have been plenty of excuses why it has not been accomplished such as it would upset the Russian Orthodox Church, Russia would get angry and start World  War III and it is an impossible request to honor.  The real reason the consecration has not taken place  is the loss of faith. The bishops did not believe that there would be peace in the world if they follow the instructions of Our Lady of Fatima.  If they really believed they would have found a way.  Our Lady of La Salette said, "The heads, the leaders of the  people of God, have neglected prayer and penance, and the devil has darkened their minds; they have become those wandering stars which the ancient devil will drag with his tail to destruction."

Can you imagine every Catholic bishop in the world on the same day and even perhaps at the same hour having a special service to consecrate Russia in their jam packed Cathedrals through out the world.  There would be no mistake and the world would know that Russia was consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary in a manner requested by Our Lady of Fatima.   The promised conversion of Russia and the resulting changes would become obvious and then it would spread to other countries.  A very simple plan that was too difficult to even try.

In 1931 the bishops of Portugal consecrated their country to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.  They promised again in 1936 to reconsecrate Portugal if their country was sparred the horrors of the Spanish Civil War. Our Lady obliged. Again in 1938 the bishops renewed their national consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.  On February 6, 1939 seven months before the declaration of war Sister Lucy wrote to  Bishop  da Silva and told him that war was imminent, but then wrote, " In this horrible war, Portugal would be spared because of the national consecration of Immaculate Heart of Mary by the bishops."  Portugal escaped World War II completely as the Mother of God promised.

Our Lady said to the three children, "In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph.  The Holy Father will consecrate Russia to me and she will be converted, and a period of peace will be granted the world."  In August 1931 Our Lord speaks to Sister Lucy and tells her "Make it known to My ministers that given they follow the example of the King of France in delaying the execution of My request, that they will  follow in misfortune. . ." King Louis XVI lost his monarchy exactly 100 years to the day of the initial request by Saint Margaret Mary  to consecrate France to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.  Three years later the King was beheaded. Will the pope be killed as foretold in many prophecies?  Will Rome lose its authority like the King lost his monarchy?

Later Our Lord complaining to Sister Lucy said, "They did not want to heed My request.  Like the King of France they will repent and do so, but it will be late.  Russia will have already have spread her errors throughout the world, causing wars and persecutions of the Church.  The Holy Father will have much to suffer.."

We know from the words of both Our Lady and Our Lord that Russia will be consecrated  The obvious question is when will it happen  There is strong evidence to indicate that the time is late, if the St Malachy prophecy is true and the fact that one hundred years was used for the Kings of France which could also easily be applied to Fatima. The consecration would have been much easier in the days of Pius XI.  If you read the words of Our Lord carefully there is an extra requirement. REPENT!  The pope will have much to suffer when he confesses for the heresies of Vatican II, the sins of not obeying Our Lady, the destruction of Holy Mass and the list goes on and on.  How can Russia be consecrated without this admission?

Can we even imagine the reaction of the Catholic world when such a confession takes place?  It might be something like the vision of Little Jacinta of Fatima.  Lucy wrote one day Jacinta called out to me did you see the Holy Father?  "I don't know how it was, but I saw the Holy Father in a very big house, kneeling by a table, with his head buried in his hands, and he was weeping.  Outside the house, there were many people, some of them were throwing stones, other were cursing him and using bad language.  Poor Holy Father, we must pray very much for him."

Homer Sweeney

Published by TIA May 2, 2013 with some editing.


Monday, April 15, 2013

The Prophecy of the Popes Updated

This is the second of a three part series.

The prophecy of St. Malachy which the Church says is a forgery, is an extremely accurate list of 112 short, cryptic phrases or mottoes in Latin briefly describing the Roman Catholic popes beginning in the year 1143.  The last pope listed is the current Pope Francis whose motto is Peter the Roman.  How could a Cardinal from Argentina be Peter the Roman?  Easy!  He took the name Francis after St Francis of Assisi who was an Italian friar born with the name Giovanni di Peitro di Bernanrdone hence the name Peter the Roman.

It was reported in a 1901 article written by Thomas Philalethe that Our Lady told Melanie Calvat one of the recipients of the La Salette message, that Pastor Angelicus would be the last pope to witness the splendor of the Church.  If this is true, it would seem that Our Lady had authenticated the prophecy by employing the Latin phrase used in the prophecy to describe Pius XII.

The last sentence of the centuries old Catholic prophecy says:

"In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church there shall reign Peter the Roman who will  feed his flock amid many tribulations, after which the seven hilled city will be destroyed and the terrible judge will judge the people."

As I understand it Thomas Horn and Cris Putnam Protestants authors of the much publicized book Petrus Romanus are saying that they believe the phrase 'the terrible judge will judge the people' signifies the end of the world.  We know from other Catholic prophecies that are yet to be fulfilled that this is not the end of the world and that Peter the Roman may be the last pope of the current apostasy but a  new pope who is devoted to Blessed Virgin Mary will take command immediately according to the famous dream of St.John Bosco 'The Two Columns in the Sea'.  Only God knows if and how much the world will be chastised, Woe to the inhabitants of the earth (La Salette), it will greater then the deluge (Akita), Rome will be destroyed (Apocalypse) and various nations will be annihilated as Our Lady of Fatima warned in 1917.

From those who have studied prophecies it seems to confirm that there are two different periods:  the beginning of the end and the end proper.  Evidence suggests that we are presently in the beginning phase.

Homer Sweeney

Next: The Consecration of Russia


This is the first of a three part series:

My first thought when Benedict XVI resigned was that God would not let him live long.  I based this consideration on my study of Fatima over the past twelve years.  The Vatican then announced that Benedict would wear white and I immediately thought that he is the 'Bishop dressed in white'.  I confess that I thought that this statement solved a great mystery.  In one of her writings published by the Vatican as the Third Secret  Sister Lucy describes her vision or a vision of her cousin Jacinta that a "Bishop dressed in white', we had the impression that it was the Holy Father,  passes through a big city half in ruins and he prayed for the souls of corpses he met on the way.  He was killed by a group of soldiers".  Fatima scholars have always wondered why Lucy just didn't say the Holy Father.  This seemed to me like a realistic solution but in reality prophecies are not that clear until they are history and this seemed a little too easy to be true although there is still a slim chance that Benedict XVI is the "Bishop dressed in white". The 'party line' of the Vatican is that John Paul II was the bishop in the prophecy.  The pope is killed by soldiers with many dead bodies on a hill.  John Paul was shot in 1981 by a single gunman in St Peters Square and lived for twenty five additional years.

In 1931 Pius XI never responded to the request of Our Lord to consecrate Russia and if he did we would have a period of peace according to  Our Lady of Fatima.  Once the Nazi took over Austria in 1938 at the start of  World War II  Pius XI died in early 1939.  Bishop De Silva held the true Third Secret of Fatima from 1944-1957 when the secret was sent to the Vatican.  A few months later the Bishop was dead.     Pius XII received the Third Secret in 1957 and refused to open it.  He died in 1958.  On March 9, 2004 Pope John Paul II sent the cornerstone of the tomb of Peter to Fatima as directed in what we believe  might be the true Third Secret.  He died the next year.  Benedict XVI devoted all of his priestly life to changing the Catholic Church to fit his beliefs. He was a leader at Vatican II to diminish the role of Mary in the Church and almost succeeded to the delight of his Protestant comrades of having Her thrown out of the Church her Son established. His biggest opposition came from the true messages of Fatima which Ratzinger was very successful in covering up and minimizing over the decades. Very few Catholics today have even heard of Fatima or they buy the 'party line' provided by the Vatican and endorsed by then Cardinal Ratzinger.  Ask most Catholic today what is the first message of Fatima.  They would probably guess 'say the rosary.'  No the first message is 'sinners go to hell' which will be news to many Catholics today.  Benedict XVI did however say on his 2011 trip to Fatima that 'We would be mistaken to think that Fatima prophetic message is complete.'  The question is did he pass on his true knowledge of Fatima to Pope Francis when they met last month?  Is now his time to answer to God for his actions?

Homer Sweeney

Next:  The Prophecies of the Popes