* Bishop Francis says 15 decades of the Holy Rosary daily.
* His first act as pope was to go on a pilgrimage and place flowers before Our Lady at St. Mary Major Church in Rome.
* Francis has a devotion to Mary Undoer of Knots. "Eve by her disobedience, tied the knot of disgrace for the human race, whereas Mary by her obedience undid it."
* The new papacy of Pope Francis will be consecrated to Our Lady of Fatima before hundreds of thousand of people at Fatima on May 13, 2013 the 96th anniversary of the first apparition.
Will Bishop Francis with his outward devotion to Our Lady of Fatima be the pope that finally releases the true Third Secret and consecrates Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary? We don't know what Francis knows about Fatima. Does he believe the Vatican party line that the Third Secret was announced on June 26, 2000 and that Russia was consecrated to the Blessed Mother by John Paul II in the 1980's? Did Benedict Emeritus and Francis discuss Fatima when they met recently and if they did what did Benedict tell him?
There have been many signs from heaven recently but we cannot expect anything of a supernatural origin to occur on or before May 13, 2013. One of the most photographed warnings occurred just a few hours after Benedict's resignation announcement when a lightening bolt struck the top of St.Peters Basilica sending shock waves through the Vatican, stunning even the most ardent skeptic and reminding some of the messge of La Salette which in part says,
"With the first lightning blow of His sword, the mountains and all nature will remember with dread, because the disorders and crimes of men are piercing the vault of the heavens."

Another warning was covered up by much of the press that has not occurred in recent memory concerned the President of the United States on his recent visit to Egypt and Israel. A swarm of locusts preceded him to both places on this trip. Chapter IX of the Apocalypse can be explained that came out locust; devils, in antichrist's time, when the chief devil shall be as if were let lose.
We do know that on both May 13, 2011 and May 13, 2012 a ring appeared around the sun at the time of day that Our Lady appeared to the three seers of Fatima. Will it happen again this year?
Homer Sweeney
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