* Apocalypse 3:16 - "But because thou are luke warm, and neither cold nor hot, I will begin to vomit thee out of My mouth."
* St. Thomas Aquinas warns us when he said, "The hottest places in hell are reserved for those in time of moral crisis maintain their neutrality."
* Sister Lucy of Fatima told Fr. Fuentes, "Each person must not only save his own but also all the souls that God has placed on our path."
There is currently a tremendous opportunity for Catholics to express their anger and mistrust since the Conciliatory Church has opened the flood gates for questioning and criticism with the proposed canonization of Paul VI partially because he seems to have a knack of fulfilling the prophecies of Our Lady.
* In the 17th century Our Lady of Good Success prophesized that at the end of the 19th century and especially in the 20th century that Satan would reign almost completely by the Masonic sect. The late Fr. Luigi Villa's book Paul VI Beatified? offers this historic fact.

* In her 1858 message Our Lady of La Salette warned, "The heads, the leaders of the people of God, have neglected prayer and penance, and the devil has darkened their minds, they have become those wandering stars which the ancient devil will drag with his tail to destruction."
It was soon after Vatican II when Paul VI eliminated the Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel which was said following all the low masses. This prayer was originally composed in a longer form by Leo XIII in 1886 to protect the 'Chair of Truth' and mankind from Satan and his demons. The consequences of this action was acknowledged by Paul VI himself when in 1971 he announced, "through some crack the smoke of Satan has entered into the temple of God." On December 10, 2012 the Cardinals of the Church agreed unanimously for the canonization of Paul VI signifying that the smoke has exploded into a raging inferno.
Homer Sweeney
Published Tradition in Action 2013
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