1. Words Spoken by Mary at Fatima
2. What Happened!
3. Next Two Years?
Part 1 Words Spoken by Mary at Fatima
Our Lady appeared to the three seers of Fatima --- Lucy, Jacinta and Francisco --- six times between May 13, and October 13, 1917 the day of "the Miracle of the Sun". The basic Messages of Fatima are these:
- Poor sinners go to hell!
- To save them, God wishes to establish throughout the world devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
- This is to be accomplished by consecrating Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary in conjunction with the Communions of Reparation on the first Saturdays of five consecutive months
- If this is done, many souls will be saved and there will be peace.
- If it is not done, Russia will spread its errors throughout the world. There will be wars, famine, persecutions of the Church and martyrdom of the good. The Holy Father will have much to suffer. And if Our Lady's requests are still not obeyed, then various nations will be annihilated.
- In the end, My Immaculate Heart will triumph. The Holy Father will consecrate Russia to Me, which will be converted, and a period of peace will be given to mankind. (The Devil's Final Battle page 7)
For the Virgin's exact words it is highly recommended that you Google, read and digest the Words spoken by Mary at Fatima before continuing with this report. (Theotokos Books)
Part 2 What Happened
Consecration of Russia to My Immaculate Heart
We know how it will end from the words of Our Lady at Fatima, "in the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph, the Holy Father will consecrate Russia to me and she will be converted, and a period of peace will be granted the world".
In 1929 Pius XI was requested to consecrate Russia and he did not respond and by 1939 World War II had begun. Our Lord communicated with Lucy and told her, "My ministers that because they delayed in following His order they will receive the same misfortune as the King of France who lost his crown and was beheaded. They will first repent and then consecrate Russia as promised by Our Lady in 1917.
Two popes attempted to consecrate Russia Pius XII and John Paul II. In the case of Pius XII it is highly speculative why he was not informed that the bishops of the world needed to be included.
Four hundred bishops attending Vatican II requested Paul VI to consecrate Russia with all the bishops in attendance. This request was denied.
The Vatican published in The Message of Fatima on June 26, 2000 that Sister Lucy had said that Russia was consecrated in 1984 by John Paul II which resulted in the fall of communism in 1989. This cannot be believed because bishops were not involved, Russia was not even mentioned in the consecration, John Paul II rejected the thought (March 25, 1984), it was a bogus Sister Lucy and defeating communism was not the purpose.
Antonio Ruffini a Roman stigmatist was asked about the consecration. He replied, it will not be John Paul II who was pope at the time he was asked or the pope that immediately follows him. But the one after that, he is the one who will consecrate Russia. We know now that the person is Pope Francis. (Father Paul Kramer talk Glendale, CA September 24, 2004)
Earlier this year Father Gabriel Amorth, the world's most famous living exorcist, told Father Gruner of the Fatima Center that unless the consecration of Russia is performed ---as Our Lady asked --- by the end of October 2015, the dark prophecies of Fatima may well come to pass any day after that.
If the bishops really believed that the consecration would bring peace to the world one would think that they could spend about 15 minutes to read the words of consecration at a particular date and time. That doesn't seem like much of an effort. Why didn't most of them even consider doing it? They do not believe this kind of 'stuff' anymore and it is well documented that many are modernists, communists and Free Masons who have infiltrated the Church since the late 1800s. Archbishop Annibale Bugnini who wrote the Novus Ordo Mass was a Free Mason (#1365-75). Cardinal Casaroli (#41-076) was John Paul's Secretary of State from 1979-1989, Angelo Lanzoini (#6-324) Chief of the Office of Secretary of State and Cardinal Villot Secretary of State during the reign Paul VI were all Free Masons and are just a few examples of literally hundreds and possibly thousands of religious. Our Lady of Good Success prophesied in the 16th Century that at the end of 19th Century and especially in the 20th Century that Satan would reign almost completely by the means of the Masonic sect. She told Mother Mariana that this battle would reach its most acute stage because of various unfaithful religious, who under the appearance of virtue and bad-spirited zeal, would turn upon Religion, who nourished them at her breast". (a list of 123 religious who are alleged to be Free Masons can be found in Appendix 5 of the book "No Crisis in the Church?")
It should also be noted that the bishops of Portugal consecrated Portugal to Our Lady of Fatima in 1938. Sister Lucy told Bishop da Silva that because of this consecration, Portugal would be spared the horrors of the coming war. Portugal avoided World War II.
Three Sister Lucy's
In 1958 Fr. Augustine Fuentes preparing to become postulator of Francisco and Jacinta causes for beatification had a conference to report on his meeting with Sister Lucy. The remarks of Sister Lucy shocked the Catholic hierarchy. First she said that Our Most Holy Virgin is very sad because no one has paid any attention to Her message. She further said that we should not wait for help from the Holy Father, the bishops or diocese nor from religious congregations. It is necessary for each one of us to begin to reform himself spiritually. Each person must not only saved his own soul but also all the souls that God has placed on our path.
Shortly after the release of this startling information it was announced that Sister Lucy would have nothing more to say about Fatima. She was silenced! We never heard another word from a very sad, very pale and emancipated Sister Lucy. Free Masons said that they killed the 'nun of Fatima' in 1958. I am not sure that this is correct but Sister Lucy disappeared to never be directly heard from or seen again.
In 1967 when Paul VI came to Fatima for the fiftieth anniversary Sister Lucy was pictured with him and again in 1982 a Sister Lucy was pictured with John Paul II. In the last decade it was discovered by reviewing pictures that both Paul VI and John Paul II had two different imposters playing the role of Sister Lucy. The world had been deceived and the most important significance of this is that many stories written about Fatima after 1958 can not be considered reliable.
Note: It has been only a few months since it was discovered by a blog in Spain that there were three Sister Lucy's not just two. Google the following for additional information
- Photo and Facts - The Two Sister Lucy's of Fatima (TIA Website)
- Photographic Studies Confirm Two Sister Lucy's by Atila Guimaraes
- Photos Paul VI Fatima 1967
- Photos John Paul II Fatima 1982
The Third Secret
Around 1930 before the Message of Fatima was known by anyone, Msgr Pacelli, the future Pius XII, in an apparent supernatural intuition, revealed that in the Message of Fatima Our Lady warned the Church against "the suicide of altering the Faith, in Her liturgy, Her theology and Her soul" which is explicitly set forth in the Third Secret. (The Devils Final Battle page 34 and Father Paul Kramer talk September 24, 2004 Glendale, CA)
In early January 1944 Sister Lucy following the order of Bishop da Silva put the third secret on paper. It was held by the bishop until 1957 when the Vatican requested it along with copies of all of Sister Lucy's writings.
The Third Secret of Fatima was to be read in 1960 because 'it will be clearer then' or at the death of Sister Lucy.
In 1952 Pius XII sent Fr. Schweigl to interrogate Sister Lucy about the consecration of Russia not being accepted by Our Lady and perhaps to help determine who might have betrayed him in the Vatican. On his return Father talked about the Third Secret saying that it had two parts one being about the pope. We believe now it is because John XXIII called an ecumenical council.
John XXIII was elected in late 1958 and by early 1959 had announced that a council would be held.
Later in 1959 with his confessor and a translator John XXIII read the Third Secret and wrote that it did not concern his pontificate. Now we know according to contacts close to Cardinal Ratzinger that the words "wicked council' appear in the Secret. (Father Paul Kramer talk September 24, 2004 Glendale, CA)
In February 1960 an unsigned message was sent to Portugal reporting that the Third Secret would not be read and probably never be released. It has never been released.
In February 1960 John XXIII shared the secret with his curia and a few others. It is reported that he talked in generalities because I would assume he didn't want to tell these Cardinals that he was planning a wicked council.
In 1981 Father Alonso the official archivist of Fatima said before he died that it is completely probable that the text makes concrete references to the crisis of faith within the Church and to negligence of the pastors themselves. . ."
In 1984 Cardinal Ratzinger says that the Secret refers to "dangers threatening the faith and the life of the Christian and therefore of the world."
Those few Cardinals who say they read the secret were sworn under oath not to tell the contents. About twenty-five years later almost like following the lead of Father Alonso a few of the Cardinals who had read the secret said it concerned faith and apostasy in the Church. This is not surprising since there is hardly a Catholic family in the world that hasn't experienced a loss of faith among family members. (Lk 18:8; 2 Thess. 2; Mt 24:15)
In his memories Cardinal Oddi who had read the Secret said that Vatican II was the fulfillment of the Third Secret of Fatima: a Revolution in the Church. The prophecy of Fatima was completely defied!
Part 3 The Next Two Years?
According to Father Alonso in the period preceding the great triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, terrible things are going to happen.
There are currently two popes in Rome Francis and Benedict and two prophecies that are very similar.
On June 26, 2000 the Vatican released The Message of Fatima a long drawn out report that contained what was suppose to be the Third Secret. It is a vision written by Sister Lucy and obtained by the Vatican when they asked for her writings in 1957. According to the report the Vatican version of the third secret "the Bishop dressed in white" in part says that the Holy Father passes through a city in half ruins praying for souls and corpses he meets on the way. Once he reached the top of the mountain he was killed by a group of soldiers fulfilling the promise of Our Lord after Pius XI did not consecrate Russia. The Vatican continues to report that this prophecy was fulfilled in 1981 even though John Paul II was not killed and lived an additional 25 years, that it was done at St Peters not on a mountain by a lone gunman not a group of soldiers.
In 1909 Pope St. Pius X had a very similar vision. "What I see is terrifying! Will it be myself? Will it be my successor? What is certain is that the Pope will quit Rome and in leaving the Vatican he will walk over dead bodies of priests." On August 20, 1914 Saint Pius X further said, "I have seen one of my successors, of the same name, who was fleeing over the bodies of brethren. He will take refuge in some hiding place, but after a brief respite, he will die a cruel death." Lucy wrote about a vision of her cousin Jacinta that could be related. Jacinta called out to me, "Don't you see the Holy Father? No! I don't know how it was, but I saw the Holy Father in a very big house, kneeling by a table, with his head buried in his hands, and he was weeping. Outside the house, there were many people some of them were throwing stones, others were cursing him and using bad language. Poor Holy Father we must pray very much for him."
We speculate that the pope in the vision of St. Pius X is Benedict XVI because they both have the same first name. Benedict is Joseph and Pius X Giuseppe. There is another 19th Century prophecy that says, "Some day a pope will flee from Rome in the company of only four Cardinals and they will go to Cologne, Germany. Benedict is from Germany so it would be a natural place from him to try and hide and since he is currently 88 years of age we would assume that this prophecy would take place rather soon.
The current pope is most likely the "Bishop dressed in white".
In a 1901 document written by author Thomas Philalethe defender of La Salette he declared that Melanie Calvat one of the two children of La Sallete declared that Melanie said Pastor Angeleus would be the last pope to witness the splendor of the Church. This is the motto given to Pius XII in St. Malachy's prophecy to provide legitimacy to the prophecy.
The Church states that this prophecy is a forgery a very strange reason to give for not approving this 900 year old that lists 112 very accurate short mottos about each pope including naming the last one Peter the Roman. "in the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church, there will be the reign of Peter the Roman who will feed his flock amid many tribulations after which the seven hilled city will be destroyed and the dreadful Judge will judge the people. The End."
Does Pope Francis fit the description?
Francis of Assisi given name is Pietro and he is from Italy and therefore Peter the Roman.

Francis prefers the title Bishop of Rome
See Matthew XXIV for description of many tribulations.
On the evening that Benedict XVI resigned, two lightening bolts struck the top of St. Peters. Was God giving us a sign that the great chastisement promised at Fatima and in many other prophecies has begun? In the Message of La Salette we read, "With the first lightening blow of His sword, the mountains of all nature will tremble with dread, because the disorders and crimes of men are piercing the vault of the heavens . . ."
There are many private revelations and passages from Sacred Scriptures that speak of a sudden and tremendous chastisement by which Christ will impose peace on earth; Zechariah 13: 8,14:6-7 and 13:9-11; Isaiah 13: 9-11, 22:5, 24:13, 34:2 and 42:14; Sophoniah 1:2-3, 1:14-18, 3:8 and 3:9; Jeremiah 4: 23 and 27 and 23:19-20 and passages from Ezequiel, Joel, Amos, Malachi and Romans. (Google - Prophecies on the Coming Chastisements - Tradition)
Homer Sweeney