In August of 1917 when the three seers of Fatima were jailed they began saying the Rosary and after a couple of decades the prisoners knelt and joined in. Benedict XVI visited a Rome jail the week before Christmas not to lead the Rosary or to express the wisdom of little Jacinta who reminded us shortly before she died that penance is necessary to amend lives and save immortal souls. The Pontiff visit was designed to increase the awareness of the deplorable overcrowding conditions of the Italian jails in order to protect the dignity of the prisoners. Reuters reported that when Benedict XVI was leaving the prisoners chanted 'amnesty, amnesty, amnesty'.
The Italian government may pardon criminals before they have paid their debt to society just as many feel God pardons sinners without doing penance. People are continually making statements about their deceased relatives and friends such as 'he is in a better place now' and 'she is looking down on us' or you read in obituaries that say he passed on to heaven. These types of statements are repeated and believed not just by Protestants but many Catholics and religious who take for granted that God will pardon all of us. In 1953 Father Ricardo Lombardi founder of the movement 'For a better world' published his short conversation with Sister Lucy in which he first asked Sister if this movement was an answer to the words Our Lady spoke.
Sister Lucy answered, "Certainly that great renovation is necessary if humanity does not seek to perfect itself, given the way in which it behaves now, only a limited part of the human race will be saved."
The Jesuit replied, "Do you believe truly that many are going to Hell. Personally I hope that God will save the greater part of humanity."
Sister Lucy then said, "Father, numerous are those who are damned."
The priest further insisted by saying, "It is certain that the world is a cesspool of vices and sin. But there is always a hope for salvation."
Sister Lucy seemed a little frustrated when she said, "No, Father, many many will be lost."
In July 1917 Our Lady told the children, "You have seen hell where the souls of poor sinners go." Then in a conversation published in 1957 Sister Lucy told Fr. Fuentes, "Father, the Most Holy Virgin is very sad because no one has paid attention to Her Message, neither the good nor the bad."
Homer Sweeney
Yahoo News, Reuters Rome
Fatima: Tragedy and Triumph
Fatima in Twilight
The True Story of Fatima
The Devil's Final Battle - 1st edition
Published Tradition In Action January 27, 2012
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Friday, December 23, 2011
Fatima Lesson - Telling Lies
In 1920 Jacinta one of the seers of Fatima provided sound advise and speaking with wisdom and understanding beyond her age taught her ten year old friend the Eighth Commandment of God if you want to go to heaven ' do not lie' a warning which unfortunately was not followed by the Vatican when apprising Catholics about the secrets of Fatima.
In the latter part of 1941 Sister Lucy wrote the first two parts of the Secret of Fatima which was released in 1942 with the words of Our Blessed Mother changed by the Vatican.
Sister Lucy wrote that Our Lady told the children, "To prevent this I shall come to ask for the Consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart and the Communion of Reparation on First Saturdays. If my request are heeded, Russia will be converted and there will be peace; if not she will spread her errors throughout the world, causing wars and persecutions of the Church."
Without any regard to the fact they were blaspheming the Mother of God, the Vatican lied to protect itself from criticism since the message did not mention Germany but clearly indicated that Russia was an enemy. The Vatican release contained the following:
1. Consecration of Russia was change to Consecration of the World
2. There was no longer a question of errors which Russia would spread but 'great errors' would be spread across the world.
3. Russia would be converted if the world was consecrated to my Immaculate Heart
These powerful changes made it much easier for President Roosevelt to gain support for the Allies to fight with Russia even though in the previous decades they had killed 60 million of their own citizens, persecuted Russian Catholics, caused famine and was the primary source of the closure of many churches as part of a strategy to destroy religion. Allowing these lies to be published by the Vatican led credence to a former Communist turn Catholic Bella Dodd who in 1950 said, "In the 1930s we put eleven hundred men into the priesthood in order to destroy the Church from within. Right now they are in the highest places in the Church."
Stunningly the Vatican chose Russia over the Blessed Mother. If they had released the true Message of Fatima would it have changed how World War II was fought? We will never know but the lie that was told helped lead to devastating disasters with the Communist controlling Eastern Europe and spreading it's errors around the world just as Our Lady warned. The Allies fought this horrible war for the benefit of Russia, the devil and the spread of Communism while millions tragically died.
Lucy wrote that one day she asked Jacinta what she was thinking about and she replied, "About the war that is coming. So many people are going to die, and almost all of them are going to hell."
Homer Sweeney
The True Story of Fatima
The Whole Truth About Fatima - The Third Secret Vol III
The Devil's Final Battle - 1st edition
Fatima in Twilight
In the latter part of 1941 Sister Lucy wrote the first two parts of the Secret of Fatima which was released in 1942 with the words of Our Blessed Mother changed by the Vatican.
Sister Lucy wrote that Our Lady told the children, "To prevent this I shall come to ask for the Consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart and the Communion of Reparation on First Saturdays. If my request are heeded, Russia will be converted and there will be peace; if not she will spread her errors throughout the world, causing wars and persecutions of the Church."
Without any regard to the fact they were blaspheming the Mother of God, the Vatican lied to protect itself from criticism since the message did not mention Germany but clearly indicated that Russia was an enemy. The Vatican release contained the following:
1. Consecration of Russia was change to Consecration of the World
2. There was no longer a question of errors which Russia would spread but 'great errors' would be spread across the world.
3. Russia would be converted if the world was consecrated to my Immaculate Heart
These powerful changes made it much easier for President Roosevelt to gain support for the Allies to fight with Russia even though in the previous decades they had killed 60 million of their own citizens, persecuted Russian Catholics, caused famine and was the primary source of the closure of many churches as part of a strategy to destroy religion. Allowing these lies to be published by the Vatican led credence to a former Communist turn Catholic Bella Dodd who in 1950 said, "In the 1930s we put eleven hundred men into the priesthood in order to destroy the Church from within. Right now they are in the highest places in the Church."
Stunningly the Vatican chose Russia over the Blessed Mother. If they had released the true Message of Fatima would it have changed how World War II was fought? We will never know but the lie that was told helped lead to devastating disasters with the Communist controlling Eastern Europe and spreading it's errors around the world just as Our Lady warned. The Allies fought this horrible war for the benefit of Russia, the devil and the spread of Communism while millions tragically died.
Lucy wrote that one day she asked Jacinta what she was thinking about and she replied, "About the war that is coming. So many people are going to die, and almost all of them are going to hell."
Homer Sweeney
The True Story of Fatima
The Whole Truth About Fatima - The Third Secret Vol III
The Devil's Final Battle - 1st edition
Fatima in Twilight
Friday, December 16, 2011
NFL Christmas Cards
All NFL Christmas Cards make fun of Christmas except the Oakland Raiders who have a very appropriate dignified card in memory of their owner Al Davis. The season of Advent reminds us to be prepared. Let us pray that Al was ready.
Homer Sweeney
Homer Sweeney
Saturday, December 10, 2011
The Blessed Virgin is Mocked
On Thursday December 8, 2011 Bill O'Reilly show The Factor had a segment regarding a play currently in Canada that mocks the Blessed Virgin.
We sent a reply to the show that said:
Oh Canada! What fools you are
Mock the Mother of God and you upset the Son
That's not a good idea!
The reply was not used on the December 9, 2011 show.
Homer Sweeney
We sent a reply to the show that said:
Oh Canada! What fools you are
Mock the Mother of God and you upset the Son
That's not a good idea!
The reply was not used on the December 9, 2011 show.
Homer Sweeney
Thursday, December 8, 2011
It was announced by the Vatican that Benedict XVI will visit Cuba in 2012. What so surprising? It's one socialist visiting another socialist!
Homer Sweeney
Homer Sweeney
Monday, November 28, 2011
The NBA Saves Christmas
The NBA is thrilled that they have saved Christmas Day by finally reaching an agreement with the players. So now as I understand it instead of observing the birth of Jesus Christ we are going to celebrate the return of the _____ _______.
Homer Sweeney
Various internet and newspaper reports
Homer Sweeney
Various internet and newspaper reports
'All' Is Now 'Many'
Decades ago I was taught by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet that any change in the form or the matter would make a sacrament invalid. Has the Church admitted with the new change from 'all' to 'many' in the Consecration of the Wine that they have used an invalid form for over fifty years?
Theologians can make up all kinds of excuses however facts are facts. The word 'all' was not a translation mistake but was used on purpose by the Church.
Homer Sweeney
Published in TIA December 16, 2011
Theologians can make up all kinds of excuses however facts are facts. The word 'all' was not a translation mistake but was used on purpose by the Church.
Homer Sweeney
Published in TIA December 16, 2011
Friday, November 18, 2011
The Triumph Over the Rosary
A retired Novus Ordo priest who I have immense respect told me that many of today's Catholics don't even know about the Rosary. Then recently there was a story on a 'Traditional' Catholic website that showed upwards to 500,000 people attending a Rosary rally at the Polo Field in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park in 1961. This story caught my eye because I remembered being at that rally with my parents thanks to the urging of my aunt a Dominican nun
who had such true devotion to the Holy Rosary that she made thousands of them during her spare time. It was also reported in the same story that fifty years later they had difficulty drawing 1,000 people to a Rosary rally ignored by the Archbishop of San Francisco.
Sister Lucy told Fr Fuentes in 1956 that Our Lady said to my cousins as well as myself that God is giving two last remedies to the world. These are the Holy Rosary and Devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. These are the last two remedies which signify that there will be no others. She also said, "Father, the Most Holy Virgin is very sad because no one has paid any attention to Her message, neither the good nor the bad." Can we even imagine how she feels today over fifty years later?
Vatican II altered the Catholic Church's teaching on Our Lady, making not one reference at all to her Most Holy Rosary. Modernists and sadly many traditional Catholics believe that Fatima is only a 'private revelation' and therefore you are under no obligation to believe it. Don't worry about it, the Age of Revelation ended with the death of the last Apostle St John the Evangelist. God gave all of us a free will. Mary said yes to God at The Annunciation. Why do so many choose to ignore the Blessed Virgin when she offers us her help?
Homer Sweeney
Fatima in Twilight
Christ or Chaos October 14, 2009
The Fifteen Mysteries of the Rosary
Published Tradition In Action January 17, 2012

Sister Lucy told Fr Fuentes in 1956 that Our Lady said to my cousins as well as myself that God is giving two last remedies to the world. These are the Holy Rosary and Devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. These are the last two remedies which signify that there will be no others. She also said, "Father, the Most Holy Virgin is very sad because no one has paid any attention to Her message, neither the good nor the bad." Can we even imagine how she feels today over fifty years later?
Vatican II altered the Catholic Church's teaching on Our Lady, making not one reference at all to her Most Holy Rosary. Modernists and sadly many traditional Catholics believe that Fatima is only a 'private revelation' and therefore you are under no obligation to believe it. Don't worry about it, the Age of Revelation ended with the death of the last Apostle St John the Evangelist. God gave all of us a free will. Mary said yes to God at The Annunciation. Why do so many choose to ignore the Blessed Virgin when she offers us her help?
Homer Sweeney
Fatima in Twilight
Christ or Chaos October 14, 2009
The Fifteen Mysteries of the Rosary
Published Tradition In Action January 17, 2012
A New Catherdal for Orange County
The Crystal Cathedral run by Robert H. Schuller for decades will soon be the site of a new Cathedral in Orange County California. Some Catholics were for the purchase and others opposed but regardless all would have to agree that it is a fantastic piece of real estate. Most Protestants wanted the property to be awarded to Chapman University a well respected college in Orange County but they have nothing to fear since today there is little or no difference between protestants and Catholics services.
Bishop Tod D. Brown said, "It would have cost us $200 million or more to build a new larger Catholic Cathedral in Orange County. This estimate has increased 100% in past few months, but regardless the savings will be tremendous. The Bishop also said, "We will get a renowned architect to renovate that building so it will be suitable for a Catholic place of worship. But we have no intention to change the exterior of the building."
If the interior is perfect for the protestant service it will be very suitable for the Catholics. You don't need to hire an architect to find an obscure corner or closet in the building to put a tabernacle that reminds us of the future Pius XII quote in the early 1930's "In our churches, Christians will search in vain for the red lamp where God awaits them."
Will the Diocese of Orange follow Oakland and reject the Mother of God? In Oakland's 21,600 square foot 'Cathedral of Christ the Light' there is not one sign of Our Blessed Mother. When His Mother is rejected, this upsets the Son which is not a good idea and might be considered a sin against the Holy Ghost which according to the gospels is not forgivable. Since the Diocese of Orange is Catholic in name only it is almost assured that the Blessed Mother will not been seen in the Cathedral. When was she last seen in any new Catholic Church? The more revealing question is, Will there even be a crucifix?
Homer Sweeney
The Orange County RegisterTradition in Action
Fatima in Twilight
Published in Tradition in Action December 1, 2011
Bishop Tod D. Brown said, "It would have cost us $200 million or more to build a new larger Catholic Cathedral in Orange County. This estimate has increased 100% in past few months, but regardless the savings will be tremendous. The Bishop also said, "We will get a renowned architect to renovate that building so it will be suitable for a Catholic place of worship. But we have no intention to change the exterior of the building."

Will the Diocese of Orange follow Oakland and reject the Mother of God? In Oakland's 21,600 square foot 'Cathedral of Christ the Light' there is not one sign of Our Blessed Mother. When His Mother is rejected, this upsets the Son which is not a good idea and might be considered a sin against the Holy Ghost which according to the gospels is not forgivable. Since the Diocese of Orange is Catholic in name only it is almost assured that the Blessed Mother will not been seen in the Cathedral. When was she last seen in any new Catholic Church? The more revealing question is, Will there even be a crucifix?
Homer Sweeney
The Orange County RegisterTradition in Action
Fatima in Twilight
Published in Tradition in Action December 1, 2011
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Central Bank
This morning (October 2011) I opened up the Drudge Report and read the headline, "Vatican Calls for Central World Bank." I remembered the words of Blessed Jacinta of Fatima, "You must pray for sinner, and for priests and religious. Priests should concern themselves only with the things of the Church ."
Homer Sweeney
Published Tradition in Action October 27, 2011
Similar comment sent to author Thomas Woods
Homer Sweeney
Published Tradition in Action October 27, 2011
Similar comment sent to author Thomas Woods
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Is the Pope Catholic? Part 1
On Good Friday this year, the Pope agreed for the first time to take questions from 'ordinary' Catholics. According to The Telegraph of the UK website that reported on the TV performance that over 3,000 questions were submitted and seven answered. Where the answers Catholic?
Our Lady appeared at Fatima to remind us of the traditional Catholic Church dogma and how to save our souls from eternal damnation The modernist, like Benedict XVI, had new and different ideas to bring the Church instep with the modern world.
Benedict XVI responded to questions about the civil war in Ivory Coast calling for greater dialogue. If that isn't like a true progressive. Our Lady told little Jacinta that wars are the result of sin. If the pope was truly Catholic he would of said to quit sinning and offending God but that is not the modern way.
Homer Sweeney
The Telegraph article title "Pope Benedict admits there isn't a full answer to suffering in rare TV interview."
The whole Truth About Fatima - Vol II The Secret and the Church
Our Lady appeared at Fatima to remind us of the traditional Catholic Church dogma and how to save our souls from eternal damnation The modernist, like Benedict XVI, had new and different ideas to bring the Church instep with the modern world.
Benedict XVI responded to questions about the civil war in Ivory Coast calling for greater dialogue. If that isn't like a true progressive. Our Lady told little Jacinta that wars are the result of sin. If the pope was truly Catholic he would of said to quit sinning and offending God but that is not the modern way.
Homer Sweeney
The Telegraph article title "Pope Benedict admits there isn't a full answer to suffering in rare TV interview."
The whole Truth About Fatima - Vol II The Secret and the Church
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
The Seventh Visit
Astrologists in Portugal are forecasting a massive planetary alignment that will appear over the steeple of the Basilica of Fatima on the early morning of June 30, 2011. Is this the seventh visit of Our Lady of Fatima that was promised in 1917? And if so, why? Remember that Sister Lucy told Fr. Fuentes in 1956 that the Holy Virgin was very sad because no one had paid any attention to her message.
No attention was paid to the warning about hell. The popes in the past decades have been teaching universal salvation which by its definition eliminates hell and the worship service readings that warn against sin, hell and damnation have been effectively eliminated.
In 1930 Pius XI received a request that Our Lord wanted Russia consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary so that the world would have a period of peace. He ignored the request. World War II followed allowing the communist to take control of nearly half the world which resulted in the loss of millions of souls.
The future Pius XII, Msgr. Eugenio Pacelli said, "I am worried by the Blessed Virgin's message to Lucy of Fatima. This persistence of Mary about the dangers which menace the Church is a divine warning against the suicide to altering the Faith, in Her liturgy, Her theology, and Her soul." This dangerous sign was rejected and it was during the pontificate of Pius XII that changes started to occur in the liturgy which laid the foundation for the destruction of the Roman Rite.
It was February 1960 that John XXIII refused to reveal the contents of the third secret which was expected by the world. One reason given was that the Vatican could not guarantee the words of the three seers. Just as in the year 2000 Cardinal Ratzinger, now Benedict XVI, said Lucy might have conjured her vision from devotional books. It would not have been politically correct in the Catholic world to call Sister Lucy a liar. It must be assumed from what the popes have said and done for the past fifty years that God chose three children who could not be trusted to foretell three months in advance 'The Miracle of the Sun' the greatest public miracle in the history of the world. Before modernism God was infallible.
The United Nations is our greatest hope for world peace. This is essentially the message of Paul VI, John Paul II and Benedict XVI. They ignored Heaven's Peace Plan for their own. At the meeting of inter-religious prayer in Assisi in 1986, John Paul II prevented the statue of Our Lady of Fatima to enter the Basilica so as not to offend other religions, and allowed a statue of Buddha to be place on the tabernacle containing Our Lord Jesus Christ. These types of action only corroborate Our Lady's message of La Salette. "The heads, the leaders of the people of God, have neglected prayer and penance, and the devil has darkened their minds, they have become those wandering stars which the ancient devil will drag with his tail to destruction."
Our Lord told Sister Lucy, "It will never be too late to have recourse to Jesus and Mary." Will June 30, 2011 be the last warning? If Our Lady does apper will the Pope and and bishops of the world obey her requests? Will Russia be consecrated? Will the true third secret be revealed? Or will Jacinta visions of the pope come true before the end of the summer.
Will the pope be shot as foretold in the "bishop in white"?
Jacinta predicted: "I don't know how it was but I saw the Holy Father in a very big house, kneeling by a table, with his head buried in his hands, and he was weeping. Outside the house there were many people. Some of them were throwing stones, others were cursing him and using bad language."
"Can't you see all those highways and roads full of people, who are crying with hunger and have nothing to eat? And teh Holy Father in a Church praying before the Immaculate Heart of Mary. So many people praying with him."
Homer Sweeney
Edited by Tradition in Action
Published by TIA June 23, 2011
The Devil's Final Battle - 1st edition
Fatima in Twilight
The Truth about What Really Happened to the Catholic Church after Vatican II
Karol Wojtyla Beatified --- Never! September 2010 Chiesa viva
Gutting the Gospels March 5, 2010
The Whole Truth About Fatima Vol III - The Third Secret
The Whole Truth About Fatima Vol II - The Secret and the Church
The Message of Our Lady of La Salette
No attention was paid to the warning about hell. The popes in the past decades have been teaching universal salvation which by its definition eliminates hell and the worship service readings that warn against sin, hell and damnation have been effectively eliminated.
In 1930 Pius XI received a request that Our Lord wanted Russia consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary so that the world would have a period of peace. He ignored the request. World War II followed allowing the communist to take control of nearly half the world which resulted in the loss of millions of souls.
The future Pius XII, Msgr. Eugenio Pacelli said, "I am worried by the Blessed Virgin's message to Lucy of Fatima. This persistence of Mary about the dangers which menace the Church is a divine warning against the suicide to altering the Faith, in Her liturgy, Her theology, and Her soul." This dangerous sign was rejected and it was during the pontificate of Pius XII that changes started to occur in the liturgy which laid the foundation for the destruction of the Roman Rite.
It was February 1960 that John XXIII refused to reveal the contents of the third secret which was expected by the world. One reason given was that the Vatican could not guarantee the words of the three seers. Just as in the year 2000 Cardinal Ratzinger, now Benedict XVI, said Lucy might have conjured her vision from devotional books. It would not have been politically correct in the Catholic world to call Sister Lucy a liar. It must be assumed from what the popes have said and done for the past fifty years that God chose three children who could not be trusted to foretell three months in advance 'The Miracle of the Sun' the greatest public miracle in the history of the world. Before modernism God was infallible.
The United Nations is our greatest hope for world peace. This is essentially the message of Paul VI, John Paul II and Benedict XVI. They ignored Heaven's Peace Plan for their own. At the meeting of inter-religious prayer in Assisi in 1986, John Paul II prevented the statue of Our Lady of Fatima to enter the Basilica so as not to offend other religions, and allowed a statue of Buddha to be place on the tabernacle containing Our Lord Jesus Christ. These types of action only corroborate Our Lady's message of La Salette. "The heads, the leaders of the people of God, have neglected prayer and penance, and the devil has darkened their minds, they have become those wandering stars which the ancient devil will drag with his tail to destruction."
Our Lord told Sister Lucy, "It will never be too late to have recourse to Jesus and Mary." Will June 30, 2011 be the last warning? If Our Lady does apper will the Pope and and bishops of the world obey her requests? Will Russia be consecrated? Will the true third secret be revealed? Or will Jacinta visions of the pope come true before the end of the summer.
Will the pope be shot as foretold in the "bishop in white"?
Jacinta predicted: "I don't know how it was but I saw the Holy Father in a very big house, kneeling by a table, with his head buried in his hands, and he was weeping. Outside the house there were many people. Some of them were throwing stones, others were cursing him and using bad language."
"Can't you see all those highways and roads full of people, who are crying with hunger and have nothing to eat? And teh Holy Father in a Church praying before the Immaculate Heart of Mary. So many people praying with him."
Homer Sweeney
Edited by Tradition in Action
Published by TIA June 23, 2011
The Devil's Final Battle - 1st edition
Fatima in Twilight
The Truth about What Really Happened to the Catholic Church after Vatican II
Karol Wojtyla Beatified --- Never! September 2010 Chiesa viva
Gutting the Gospels March 5, 2010
The Whole Truth About Fatima Vol III - The Third Secret
The Whole Truth About Fatima Vol II - The Secret and the Church
The Message of Our Lady of La Salette
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