Over 350 years ago at Quito, Ecuador, Our Lady of Good Success prophesied at the end of the 19th Century and especially in the 20th Century that Satan would reign almost completely by means of the Masonic sect. (5) Twelve Popes issued no less than twenty-three separate condemnations of Freemasonry because it rejected Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church. John Salza, a former 32nd degree Mason, in his speech at the Fatima Challenge in May 2010 summarized Masonry as a rejection of God-made-man and the exaltation of man-made-god. A rejection of the supernatural and exaltation of the natural. (3-p57)
Satan used Arturo de Oliveira, also known as the Tinsmith, mayor of a community near Fatima and a baptized Catholic, to begin his assault on Fatima. The fascinating stories about the three seers of Fatima were beginning to impede the Tinsmith's progress as a Mason. He kidnapped the children on August 13, 1917 and threatened them with death if they did not tell him the secret. The secret was not revealed and they were jailed on the 14th and then release on August 15th. The successful abduction of the three children forced them to miss their planned August 13th meeting with Our Lady.
One can only speculate how many actions and decisions regarding Fatima were influenced by Free Masons. Pius XI would not respond to a message from God and the world suffered through World War II. Pius XII, 'the Fatima Pope', did not invite Lucy to the Vatican even though she begged. This is a great mystery. John XXIII silenced Lucy, threw the third secret into a dark hole and said 'don't mention Fatima to me'. Paul VI told Sister Lucy 'see your own bishop'. It seems unbelievable that Sister Lucy chosen by God to spread the devotion of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the only person to foretell the greatest public miracle in history three months in advance would be ignored by these Popes. John Paul II met with Lucy on a few occasions and wanted her to negotiate with God for him. The current Pope Benedict XVI believes like Father Dhanis, a strong critic of Fatima, that Lucy was inclined to "unconscious inventions" and "certain psychological defects". Only a modernist would imply that God made a mistake in choosing Lucy. By order of the Popes, starting in 1958 and lasting her entire life, Lucy was restricted to very few visitors and never allowed to speak freely about Fatima. All of these Popes were baptized Catholic just like the Tinsmith. Is there any difference? John Paul I said if he lived long enough he would return to Fatima and consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. His Pontificate lasted thirty-three days before it is speculated he was murdered by Free Masons. (6-p122 & p18)
Benedict XVI met with Moishe Smith, president of the International Jewish Masonic organization B'nai B'rith on February 12, 2010. This was not the first meeting. On December 18, 2006 112 members of the Masonic organization were greeted by the Pope with these words: "I have the pleasure to greet this delegation of B'nai B'rith International on its visit to the Vatican. It marks the spirit of understanding, respect and mutual esteem that has grown between our two communities."(2)
It is strange that an organization that is an enemy of Jesus Christ gets an audience with the Pope while a Catholic priest such as Father Gruner of the Fatima Center cannot get close to the Vatican. He has tried to meet with this current Pope to urge him to release the third secret and to make sure he completely understands the message of Fatima and the danger he is putting the world in by not consecrating Russian to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The Vatican is not pleased with the fact that The Center has kept Fatima alive and without their efforts the message would be history. The late Monsignor Mario Marini who worked for nearly forty years at the Vatican told Father Paul Kramer author and expert on Fatima that "Our hands are tied; we can do nothing because it is Masons who occupy the key positions." (4-p38)
There are names of hundreds of Vatican officials and other leaders of the Church who are or have been Freemasons and perhaps thousands around the world whose names are not known. Many have worked against Fatima because they do not believe in the supernatural and as prophesied by the future Pius XII in 1931, believe that man has become god. Here are five with their Masonic numbers and names:
Annibale Bugnini (#1365-75 code name BUAN) who wrote the Novus Ordo new service.
Cardinal Agostino Casaroli (#41-076 CASA) Secretary of State under John Paul II
Cardinal Jean Villot (JEANNI, ZURIGO) Secreatry of State during Paul VI
Cardinal Sebastiano Baggio (#85-1640 SEBA) Also Secretary of State under John Paul II and Prefect of the Sacred Congregation of Bishops who appoint new bishops.
Virgillio Noe (#43652-21 VINO) Head of the Sacred Congregation of Divine Worship. He and Bugnini paid five Protestant Ministers and one Jewish Rabbi to help create the Novus Ordo service. (7)
Sister Lucy warned us when she spoke to Father Fuentes in 1957: "That which afflicts the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Heart of Jesus is the fall of religious and priestly souls. The devil knows that religious and priests who fall away from their beautiful vocation drag numerous souls to hell. . . . The devil wishes to take possession of consecrated souls. He tries to corrupt them in order to lull to sleep the souls of laypeople and thereby lead them to final impenitence."(6-p145)
Sister Catherine of Sienna is one of two woman with title of Doctor of the Church. Perhaps it is time to heed her grave warnings. She told us that a Pope who falsifies his function will go to Hell; and furthermore, that those who obey him will go there with him. (1-p.66)
Homer Sweeney
(1) Trinchard, Father Paul: The Awesome Fatima Consecrations
(2) Tradition In Action August 2, 2010: B'nai B'rith Pays Homage to Benedict XVI
(3) Salza, John: Masonaary Is Against Our Lady of Fatima - Fatima Crusader Summer 10
(4) Kramer, Father Paul: What Are The Missing Contents of the Third Secret -
Fatima Crusader Summer 10
(5) Our Lady of Good Success -http:// www.olrl.org/prophecy/goodsuccess.shtml
(6) Fellows, Mark: Fatima In Twilight
(7) Freemasons in the Vatican - http://blessedquietness.com/journal/housechu/rcmason.htm